My Favorite
Minimalist Recipes:

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What exactly are minimalistic recipes?

A minimalistic recipe can be defined as any recipe that can be made using as few ingredients as possible in the shortest amount of time feasibly. In fact, some food items can be finished with as few as 2-3 ingredients, usually in a relatively short amount of time, such as under 20-30 minutes or so. These kinds of recipes can be very resourceful, time-efficient, and convenient to whip up in a hurry, especially for ambitious minimalists when it comes to cuisine, which is exactly why this website was created. This page aims to compile some of the best, most useful, yet tasty, recipes out there, which can all be completed within under 30 minutes, (not including prep-time for certain dishes), with only 3-ingredients; whether you prefer baking, pan-fried food, or just traditional cooking, you'll find at least one recipe that speaks to you on this site. My purpose here is to ensure you'll have the best time pursuing cuisine that interests you, so join me in easily creating minimalized food that's not only simple to recreate, but also results in a taste that you'll love! Or just check everything out for fun. That's fine too. Enjoy! :)

Famous Types of Cooking:


Baking is the process of cooking by dry heat, especially in some kind of oven. It is probably the oldest cooking method. Bakery products, which include bread, rolls, cookies, pies, pastries, and muffins, are usually prepared from flour or meal derived from some form of grain. Bread, already a common staple in prehistoric times, provides many nutrients in the human diet.In fact, the word bake originally comes from the word bhõg in the prehistoric Indo-European protolanguage. It meant “to dry something out inside of an oven.” When we bake food, the same scientific principles of a contained space, heated air, evaporating moisture, and humidity control are still at play. The process of baking dries out and transforms the food we want to eat, fudamentally changing its structure.

How can I make something like this?


Frying, the cooking of food in hot fats or oils, is usually done with a shallow oil bath in a pan over a fire or as so-called deep fat frying, in which the food is completely immersed in a deeper vessel of hot oil. Because the food is heated through a greasy medium, some authorities consider frying to be technically a dry-heat cooking process.The technique of frying is ancient, ubiquitous, and highly versatile; it has been used since antiquity and in most cultures to prepare meats and fish, vegetables, and breads. This popularity, together with the fairly low cost of large-scale frying, made fried foods staples of the late 20th-century fast-food industry. In addition to meat drippings, butter, and lard, once easily rendered in the home, commercially produced corn, peanut, and other seed oils are common frying mediums.

How can I make something like this?


Roasting, cooking, is primarily of meats but also of corn ears, potatoes, or other vegetables thus prepared, by exposure to dry radiant heat either over an open fire, within a reflecting-surface oven, or in some cases within surrounding hot embers, sand, or stones. The procedure is comparable to the baking of other foods. Other examples of roasting include the processing of seeds used to make certain types of foods and beverages. For example, the process of coffee roasting begins with green coffee beans, which themselves have been processed and dried. In cocoa processing, cocoa beans are roasted to develop flavour, reduce acidity and astringency, reduce moisture content, deepen colour, and facilitate shell removal.

How can I make something like this?